Cakram Honda Beat
wide application, often conducted in order get more power modifikasi
cakram time ngerem. Unfortunately, all Modifikasi Cakram Honda Beat
already available. "Moreover, I still new motor, such as Honda BEAT," said Sandy boss accessories store in Otista, Jaktim this.
However, honda beat who want to make the cakram wide adoption do not despair first. Because there are still ways that you can be a solution, ie, use the normal aftermarket disc used for Honda Vario (gbr.1). "Because this second skutik siblings. But in diameter cakramnya same 58 mm. Hence, discoid Vario can attach directly to the disc holder BEAT, "said Gepeng of GP racing in the Rempoa, Jaksel (gbr.2).
Nah, the only distinguish is that the holder owned Vario additional adapter (gbr.3). This additional adapter enggak klop with holes and quasi-holder owned kaliper standard BEAT a longer (gbr.4). "The solution can make an additional adapter in order turner holes earlier in the match and quasi BEAT kaliper property and cost Rp 50 thousand plus pairs already," dust Gepeng that offers manufacturing and installation of the adapter.
lts with the help of key 14 and 19. After the tires loose, forward fruit with 4 bolts to remove the disk with the key L-6. When the disc is pop, the disc can be directly replaced the new. "Do not forget to re-install the 4 bolts and make sure bautnya-bolts are tight," Wanti Gepeng. Well now turn to install the adapter. Loose bolts between the front of the quasi-bracket kaliper lock brakes with the help of 5 stars (gbr.5). Forwarded to the additional adapter before installing the bracket brake Searched dilepas.Ikat the adapter bracket with the additional use kaliper mur 10. Well, from this position, directly plug the adapter again which has become one with the bracket kaliper earlier in the quasi-front beat. Up to here, finished deh! Total costs incurred for this operation varies, depending on the brand purchased disc. "What is clear, I run out of Rp 325 thousand for the discus and the adapter, a" close Gepeng.
However, honda beat who want to make the cakram wide adoption do not despair first. Because there are still ways that you can be a solution, ie, use the normal aftermarket disc used for Honda Vario (gbr.1). "Because this second skutik siblings. But in diameter cakramnya same 58 mm. Hence, discoid Vario can attach directly to the disc holder BEAT, "said Gepeng of GP racing in the Rempoa, Jaksel (gbr.2).
Nah, the only distinguish is that the holder owned Vario additional adapter (gbr.3). This additional adapter enggak klop with holes and quasi-holder owned kaliper standard BEAT a longer (gbr.4). "The solution can make an additional adapter in order turner holes earlier in the match and quasi BEAT kaliper property and cost Rp 50 thousand plus pairs already," dust Gepeng that offers manufacturing and installation of the adapter.
lts with the help of key 14 and 19. After the tires loose, forward fruit with 4 bolts to remove the disk with the key L-6. When the disc is pop, the disc can be directly replaced the new. "Do not forget to re-install the 4 bolts and make sure bautnya-bolts are tight," Wanti Gepeng. Well now turn to install the adapter. Loose bolts between the front of the quasi-bracket kaliper lock brakes with the help of 5 stars (gbr.5). Forwarded to the additional adapter before installing the bracket brake Searched dilepas.Ikat the adapter bracket with the additional use kaliper mur 10. Well, from this position, directly plug the adapter again which has become one with the bracket kaliper earlier in the quasi-front beat. Up to here, finished deh! Total costs incurred for this operation varies, depending on the brand purchased disc. "What is clear, I run out of Rp 325 thousand for the discus and the adapter, a" close Gepeng.