Contoh Cerita Narative bahasa inggris

Cerita narative bahasa inggris ini saya kutip dari wawancara terhadap seorang exekutor hukuman pancung di Saudi.

Abu Badr’s is the most renowned executioner in Saudi, who carries out the executions. “i was suprised when the people who supervise this field summoned me then saying i had a mission..  of course i didn’t have swords or anything back then. But i used my father sword, may he rest in peace. My first mission was to execute three people. These swords have cut of  hundred heads and more. I am eldest son, I’am training in the same propession. I inherited this profession from my father. I remembers how when was smal boy.. I was at school, and an execute was set for my father n mecca. It was to take place in front of the King Abd Al-Aziz Gate before all that happened at the harram mosque. The executions were held there.. I showed up, i was a little boy. The first thing came to my mind, when people talked about executions was the digestive system, i want to see it at that time, we had an exam at the school on the digestive system. So i came along, and the momment my father executed man. But..  all i could see was the man’s head flying. I went down, that’s it. I couldn’t take it anymore, I woke up in the car on the way home, at night i tried to go to sleep but i couldn’t. I had nightmares but only once. Then i got used. Allah be praised..

Cerita narative ini merupakan sebuah pemaparan singkat tentang kejadian tertentu menurut kronologis urutan kejadiannya. Tolong di ingatkan apabila dalam tulisan cerita narative bahasa inggris ini terdapat kekeliruan-kekeliruan.


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